Thursday, 29 August 2013


Today we learnt to define google searches. We learnt 3 different types to define searches, these are some of them...


Today we were learning to define our searches better. WE learnt 3  different types of searching for things on google, these are some of them...

Monday, 26 August 2013

Hi everybody, recently me and Dom made an info graphic on clouds. Here are the instructions on how to make it...
  1. Google search 'Piktochart' and log in with an account
  2. Pick a theme for your info graphic
  3. Delete the already made things that are on your screen  
  4. Start dragging pictures and text boxes on to your chart from the column on the left of your screen
  5. After you have finished the chart save and enjoy!!!
Here is one me and Dom have finished about clouds...